
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:23:13
已知函数fx)=lnx+a/x,若f(x) 设函数f(x)=x的立方+ax的平方-a方x+1,g(x)=ax平方-2x+1,其中实数a不等于0.若f(x)于g(x)在区间(a,...设函数f(x)=x的立方+ax的平方-a方x+1,g(x)=ax平方-2x+1,其中实数a不等于0.若f(x)于g(x)在区间(a,a+2)内为增函数 X:89 -Y:143是哪个方向? 如果x:y:z=2:4:3,x和z的和是90,x+y+z的值是多少 英语翻译The FireFire can help people in many ways.But it can also be very harmful.Fire can keep our house warm,give light and cook food.But fire can burn things,too.Big fire can burn trees,houses,animals or people.Children sometimes like to play 2/3X+7=5/6x X=? 已知函数f(x)=x的立方+ax的平方+3bx+c(b不等于0),且g(x)=f(x)-2是奇函数.(1)求a、c的值?过程详细点!速度! 已知函数f(x)=x的三次方+ax的平方+3bx+c(b不等于0),且个g(x)=f(x)-2是奇函数,求a,c的值如题 梯形ABCD中,AB//CD,AB=2,DC=10,AD=BC=5,点M,N分别在边AD,BC上运动,并保持MN//AB,ME垂直于DC,NF垂直于DC,NF垂直于DC,垂直于分别为E,F1.求梯形ABCD的面积2.探究一:四边形MNFE的面积有无最大值?若有,求出这个最 matlab一个作图语句看不懂~subplot('position',[0.15 0.45 0.7 0.45]),pcolor(tview'); 我知道subplot是设置子图,但是我只知道最简单比如subplot(abc)之类;网上查了position是设置画图区域什么的;但是我看不懂 【MATLAB】请问这个作图语句哪里有问题呢,为什么出现空图像?a=1;b=1;u0=1;pi=3.14159265;da=a/100;db=b/100;[x,y]=meshgrid(0:da:a,0:db:b);u=0*x;N=20;for I=0:N n=2*I+1; c=n*pi/a;d=n*sinh(c*b); u=u+sinh(c*x).*sinh(c*y)/d;endu= 麻烦帮我分析下句子的结构Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. 麻烦分析此句结构Against the innumerable interests which could show that particular measures would confer immediate and obvious benefits on some,while the harm they caused was much more indirect and difficult to see,nothing short of some hard- 麻烦帮分析下这个句子的结构For example ,some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to their wellbeing and abandoned them.and引导的并列句? 英语翻译| Home | Introduction | Expo Map | Main buildings | characteristic views | gardens | Shenyang·China |Contact Us | IntroductionShenyang is the economic,cultural traffic,financial and commercial center in China’s northeast ,it is the pro 英语翻译过去就让它过去,会在未来走的更好,因为抛弃了不必要的包袱,生活才会更美好,人生如此短暂,有什么理由,不去好好的生活呢,有太多的事情要我去做呢,有很重要的人等着我去珍惜,不 英语翻译Look at the stars Look at they shine for you And everthing you do Good night y=1-sin x如何作图?x属於0到2π之间 五点法画图 y=sin(x-派/4) y=sin|x|取值画图 有关不等式的倒数三个题1 关于不等式求倒数若-3 有关不等式的倒数问题如果1、a>c (c>0)2、a>c (c 不等式取倒数比如 1\4 列数字的作用是().具体答案急! 关于数论legendre符号性质相关的问题 列数字的好处是什么 数论三是问求38(8)除以5的余数 列数字作用 一个数论的题目,Z(p∝)的性质.p是一个质数,A={a∈Q|a=q/(p^j),q是整数,j是非负整数},我需要证明的是对于任意a∈A,以及自然数n,存在b∈A,z∈Z(整数集)使得a=nb+z. 分析一下句子的成分,结构Who on earth is that female Tom is with?Tom 后面为什么还要加个is? 分析句子成分!结构!A kinder approach of restructuring would soften social instability many fear would result from doubling the jobless rate,already at a record high.