
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:56:32
kick ass ---mika 想给儿子取个英文名现在小孩上幼儿园要取个英文名,所以请大家帮我取一个有寓意的 .而且简单好读的 英文名.不喜欢太大众的,儿子的中文名叫王梓添. 儿子的英文名怎么取 kick your ass什么意思?she id beautiful,but she can kick your ass.高手翻译一下she is beautiful,but she can kick your ass. 求几首好听的MY LOVE之类的英文歌曲 懂英语的来看一下Do you know the woman w______long,blond,curlyhair中间填什么 懂英语的帮我来看看,From my HUAWEIAscend P6跟From the my HUAWEIAscend P6哪个对?我实在不记得英语语言该怎么组织了, kick ass 这首歌翻译成中文是? 有一首歌歌词是one什么 two什么 three什么 four什么 five什么 six什么 seven.偶然听到几次 歌词就一直是数字加个单词 但是我没听出来是什么 是个女的唱的全是英文 谁比较懂英语的帮忙看一下给我解释一下"You can be just what you wanna be"与"You just can be what you wanna be"的区别,从语法和语意上1 懂英语的看一下 用h a n y u g z m e 这几个字母组成一个单词或一句话(英)要意思收到加50!用几个也行 最好不要重复 也没辨别同时有介词和副词词性的词到底是介词还是副词1.He turn on the TV 2.Put the cake on the table 3.Mother woke up the children 4.I'm looking for you如果说副词修饰动词,介词与名词贴近,那母亲叫醒孩子up的 当多个能作介词的词出现在同一句时,我怎么判断哪个作介词,哪个做其它词性(如副词)例如come on over I R N S K M W为首字母的单词,谁能帮组成一句话顺序就是这样,谢谢了!急 我哥哥最近总是做出奇怪的动作,还总是喜欢说ASS♂WE♂CAN我应该怎么办呢 ass we can as possible ass we can对吗 懂英文的 来看看合同上 甲方 是:USA AWD CHINA UNIT OF UNDATION (这里是中国人名字) 请问这是什么公司 这句话啥意思啊 合同印章也是 这句英文+中国人名签字 I have got a rabbit.It's yellow.It's very cute.It'sgot two long ears,two red eyes and a(接上面)short tail.Look!It's eating a carrot.It likes playing. 根据句意,用恰当的词填空 Both Japanese and C____have yellow skin,black hair and black eyesWhat c_____are your trousers?Mike and I are not in the s___class,but we are good friends.Would you please p____me the cell phone?The boy is 1____.He c jia ming__big eyes ahd short,black hair.A.have B.has C.does have I have short black hair and brown eyes 如何区分动词短语中的是介词还是副词? 懂英语的朋友来看一下1.Will you tell us something about the weather there?I( )to thatA.go B.come going coming2.when I went to the Smiths′,they happened ( ) dinnerA to have B to be having C to having been having D having3.When the 懂英文的朋友帮我看一下.kiehi`s since 1851Ultra protectionwater- basedsunscreen lotion spf 25 懂英语的朋友来帮下,看这个怎么组合!数字同学 这个用英文应该怎么组合? 数字我选的是Figure 同学 student 那么数字同学是 Figure student 还是Student figure 还是Figure of student 还是Student of fi I hope that we can work this out for the best.翻译成中文? He said in the hope that this might come across as dark and charismatic.怎么翻译? I wish xiaowu that will pass this text.有语病吗 THAT能省略吗?英语翻译 My body looks like a wall什么意思 谜语:I'mvery fat.My body is like a wall.My nose is very long and ears are like two fens.谜底:谜语:I'mvery fat.My body is like a wall.My nose is very long and ears are like two fens.谜底: