
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:16:37
新中国成立后颁布的第一部法律是什么? 50以内既能被3整除,又能整除4的数 编写程序,随机生成50个两位数,统计其中能被3的整除的和sum1,和能被5整除的和sum2,和既能被3整除又能被5整除的和sum3 从一个三位数中减去5,则能被5整除,减去3则能被3整除,减去13则能被13整除,这个数最小是多少? perhaps you are going to finish school soon and,like many other students,you want to further you study abroad,here are some points you should remember if you intend to apply for a scholarship to study in the united states of america.first of all,you 设f(x)是以t为周期的连续函数,证明f(x)在a到a+t上的定积分的值与a无关. 高数,一元周期函数定积分的问题~这步怎么来的? 从1,2,3,.,49,50,取出若干个数使其中任意两个数的和都不能被7整除,最多可取多少个数请提供过程 求定积分∫(1-xsinx)dx (0,π/2)(0,π/2)定积分的区间,我不会打成定积分的形式 定积分x:0->π ∫(xsinx)/(cosx)^3 dx 1到500 内.有多少个既不能被2整除 又不能被 3和7整除的数 在1~500中,不能被2,3,7整除的数有多少个?500-(250+166+71-83-35-23+11)=143(个) 为什么最后那个2.3.7的公倍数11,也是重复数据啊,为什么要加上去?11个公倍数 五年级上册科学期中测试题及答案 在1到500这500个数中不能被7和9整除的数有多少个? 帮我 回答几个英语题目1.It's so interesting a bookIt's_____ _____ ______ book2.When i got there,the plane had taken offThe plane had taken off____ we____3.I found it was hard to work with him.I found ___ ____ to work with him4.I felt a bit t 已知:t从0到1的f(tx)dt的定积分=1/2f(x)+1,求连续函数f(x)抱歉,积分号打不出来…… 用适当形式填空1 lusy is lily‘s_____(sister)2 andy_____(be)my cousin.3 we______(be)good frieds.4 i_____(have)a photo of millie.5 mary is polite and_____(help)6 gina is his______name.(one)7.her phone number____21824567.(be)8 what's____fani In this section you should fill in each blank with the proper of from of the word given in the brackets.1、They required that we(get)___there before nine2、The(develop)___of the company can not simply depend on tradition.3、I h 我国宪法规定:( )是中华人民共和国每一个公民的神圣职责.依照法律服兵役和参加民兵组织是中华人民共和国公民的光荣义务.A .保卫祖国、抵抗侵略B .建设祖国、保卫祖国 C .遵纪守法 “请回答问题” 的英文翻译是什么 There is a new library in our school.It is a white building .There are a lot of green trees around it .It looks very beautiful.There are thousands of books in the library.And there are four reading--room in it.We can readnewspapers,magazines and book 编写程序,求出1-500中所有能被7整除的数的和?有人会编吗? 英语快速应答题目这三十道题:Were you born in shanghai?What's your telephone number?when do you usually go to bed?Is there a lot of traffic on the road in the morning?Is your family a big one or a small one?School again!What do you need? 求快回答The fable teaches us not to l at others.The government is calling on everybody to s as much water as possible.She has read four novels about friendship r .Don't play c with him ;he always cheats. 我国宪法规定中华人民共和国公民对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员,有提出批评和建议的权利.我国宪法规定中华人民共和国公民对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员,有提出批评和建议的权利. 练闯考语文六年级上答案诗海拾贝与诗同行 六年级诗海拾贝的集诗册谁知道集诗册正么做? 有个函数里的语句不懂是什么作用求大神解惑.double fun(double *x){ int i,j;double av ,y[N];av=0;for (i=0;i 有点看不懂 (取自VOA)While in Russia,Obama also is expected to meet a group of rights activists to discuss the country's controversial laws that critics say clamp down on freedoms and repress minorities,such as the opposition and gay and le 据意写词,首字母已给出One century m______100 year.单词拼写Look at the picture to find ________the ChristmasWe've ________something to eat the party 超级超级.【英语】根据句意及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词.1.______【九】is a number2.what’s your _________【答案】3.Can I ________【看】at your watch,please?4.It is a good ________【问题】5.Spell“_____”【零】 超级简单英语题帮我把A B做了 在线等 谢谢答后追加分数