
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:49:06
Due attention has to be paid to the issue of Internet.这里has to students n___ sleep for eight hoursSudents n___ sleep for eight hours.中间应该填什麽?要一个N开头的词补一个问题..Don't g___ stressed out.It'll make you sick. Thank you to accompany me啥意思. thank you to accompany me to finish juniorigh school the last valentine'sday是什么意思? Thank you accompany me to grow.哪个动词要变过去式? 谁能解释一下“Thank you to accompany me to walk a long She was s_____ to see her father at school 金朝为什么不能灭了西辽 1西辽为什么不灭了它的附属国2西辽为什么不灭了花剌子模? 金灭辽后,耶律大石西迁中亚建立西辽帝国,大金此时为何不攻灭西辽而是调头攻打北宋?耶律大石西辽时没多少人力和兵力,在中亚建立个帝国,称西辽,此时西辽根基未稳,大金为何不攻灭西辽, 西辽的故事谁知道? The teahcer was very satisfied with the task.问一下这句话可以这么写吗? very satisfied with the current situation,I hope not to have any change I wish you to go to school 的句子成分分析 where do you go to school这句话的语法是对的么?分析一下成分 Once u always touch my head,can it go on now的中文意思 Do you go to school by bike everyday?(改成同义句) lol里的肉,法师输出等等都用什么英文来表示的? then tell me how we do it 和u know what i mean 的翻译! 伊斯兰教什么时候灭亡 什么是 状语 宾语 和 定语 又什么是定语 状语 宾语 从句 ? 肯尼亚现在的气候?下个月就要去内罗毕了 肯尼亚7、8月天气茜茜求求你们了! 肯尼亚人的衣着与当地气候有什么关系 Few people can live 100 years.改肯定句 the government should make efforts to----- 政府需要努力加强公民的意识 该怎么补全?1 政府需要努力加强公民的意识 该怎么补全?2 政府需要努力促使公民自觉地行使自己的义务该怎么补全? [W94] ______ the goal of "Education for All", the Chinese government is making joint efforts.A.To achieveB..Achieving C.AchieveD. Having achieved请翻译包括选项,并分析.答案 A -------,and the probiems could be settled.A if you double your efforts B making greater effortsc a bit more effortsd so long soyou keep your spirits选出正确的选项 与其他选项错的理由 We will make efforts.To achieve the best. 请问大蒙古国四个汗国怎么灭亡的?分别什么年代?哪些国家瓜分的? 是蒙古国先建立的,还是金先灭亡的? 蒙古野驴怎么灭绝的?谁能告诉我``我有急事``XX了``