
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:23:13
up to present等短语是什么意思?up to present ,on several occasion ,so far ,up to these few days/weeks/months/years up to present?还是up to the present?有一个是错的吗?为啥?up to present?还是up to the present?有一个是错的吗?为啥? at any time up to the present什么意思 The man found it hard to fall _____ (sleep). i find it hard to fall asleep at night. smell the flowers before you go to sleep;and you may just___ sweet dreams.a.keep up with b.put up with c.end up with d.catch up with 顺便翻译一下 I found it hard to fall asleep at night.请问it后为什么不加is.请详细解释 the grass mud horse i have what qualifications have temper是什么意思 唐僧师徒几人去往西天取经,共行十万八千里.每日行75里,共行了多少年?列出算是即可 要在中间填一个字使它能与上下左右的字都组成一个词语:飞 开 床 器 红 火 长 种对不起哈~我本来发的时候是算好位子了的,没想到它发出来就错位了。是这样的,有两个题的。第一个: f(x)=f(x-2)的周期怎么算出来? up to Up to up to now的中文意思是什么? a的立方+a的立方等于多少? "I go to bed at about 11 o'clock.句中为什么用"about"? what about (go) to beijing,请填入go的正确时态 题:I ( )go to bed when the doorbell的答案 A.was going to B.was to C.was about to D.would It's about 11 o'clock.Kate must go to bed (改为同义句)It's time______Kate______ ______to bed now. f(x+2)=-1/f(x)它的周期怎么算啊? f(x+2)=f(x-2)的周期怎么算的是4啊? 一座桥长3600米火车长900米以每分钟1200米的速度通过这座桥问从火车头上桥到车尾 下桥用多长时间列方程 森林低于海平面吗? 低于海平面怎么样 用up to now造个小句子到现在为止,我没收到过相关信息 Up to now的用法 up to now 造句 一列火车全长160米,全车通过440米的桥需要30秒.这列话火车每秒行多少千米? 一列火车长160米全车通过一座620米的大桥用了39秒钟这列火车每秒行多少米 一个糖盒中有101块糖,小强和小丽两人轮流从中拿走一颗或两颗,谁能取得最后一颗糖谁就获胜,怎么才能获胜呢? 1个盒中有101块糖小强和小丽两人从中拿走1颗或2颗,谁能取得最后1颗糖,谁就获胜,怎样能获胜? 在一条马路一边种树,每隔8米种一棵正好种了25棵,后来改成每隔6米种一棵,需要重新种树多少棵包括移动位置和补种急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 桌上有47块糖果,小红和小军轮流从桌上取,每次可以取1-3块,谁取最后一块谁赢