
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:13:38
翻译:Brain(人名) was supposed to bring them. “我的试卷上有很多叉号” 英语怎么说?正确的 地道的! 表示错误的“X”及表示正确的“勾”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译Dear SirsWe have your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana.We wish to inform you that we specialize in both industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals,and shall be pleased to enter into tr 对的打勾 ,错的打叉两个体积相等的长方体,表面积一定相等.( ) 体积是1立方分米的木盒,它的底面积一定是1平方分米.( )面积单位比长度单位大,体积单位比面积单位大.( ) 正方形的棱 为什么 对要用勾 错要用叉有什么来历吗 求一首快节奏英文歌,女声,歌词里有 a little girl is lonely ...副歌高潮部分有好几句“a little ”开头的英文句, 我同学跟我说"I am almost done with the paper for my friend." 这句话怎么翻译?(paper指论文) 翻译:The old woman is cutting paper flowers with scissors. what else do you have to do?也可以说成what other do you have to do?else.other有什么不同呢? nice当“好”时与ok,fine, good的区别! 英语翻译帮我找找Something In The Way的中文翻译吧 what will you have At Least I Have You,So I Will Cherish You. Bikes and buses are the most popular menas of transportation for students.的同义句. 划勾用英语怎么说 勾脚架 用英语怎么说 预订机票时,经济舱怎么会有Q、P、R等的区别?座位的区别在哪?预定后取票是在哪? 验证可以写成验正么 "打太极拳“用英语怎么说 蛇拳 英语怎么说 散打中:鞭腿 直拳 摆拳 勾拳 英文怎么翻译 朋友去埃塞俄比亚当翻译了,那里条件很艰苦吗?因为到现在只跟家里联系过一次,一般是几年?工资又是多少呢?工作回来之后怎么办呢? 青蛙的发育方式为什么是变态发育而不能说是完全变态发育? 青蛙发育方式属于什么 青蛙是如何成长的? 有可以翻译驾照的地方吗? 怎么验根 什么是验根法如题……如何使用 By the time you got to the airport, the guests ___ ______ left for Nanjing.A. will have B. had C. would had D. have选什么 ____you get to the airport in time for the flight...(谢啦)好吧...楼主糊涂了...A.Find out B.Make sure C.Try out 《梦溪笔谈》中狄青出奇兵的片段