
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:51:16
It was raining hard ,but by the time the class was over,the rain___.A.had stopped B.was stopping C.stopped D.would stop.请问by the time the class was over是在raining 之前还是之后.可我就不明白了,既然是had stopped 怎么还会it was moved your head up and Keep you hopes up high, and your head down low. 什么翻译 My neighborhood is very quiet and I sleep ____very B.a lot C.aften D.A lot of The new school is very quiet .(改为感叹句 ) Can you see _____ in the classroom?A.red something B.anything red C.red angthing her daughter is very quiet的感叹句哪位好心能告诉我正确答案啊! 凯特的外遇日记 I DONT KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT怎么样 I can _____ a foteball on mu head 魏源和严复有什么区别? 歇后语,一根竹子搭桥,开封府的包公,姜太公钓鱼,三十六计 魏源和严复最大的共同点是:A主张维新变法B主张办洋务C主张向西方学习D都具有资产阶级思想为什么呢? 初中历史题(关于魏源和严复)魏源著《海国图志》认识到西方有三技长,这种认识来源于什么?认识全面吗?严复在《天演论》中写道:“物竞天择,适者生存”,他的这种认识来源于什么?他的观 严复区别于魏源思想观点的最大之处在于(  )A.主张学习西方的先进技术  B.主张学习西方的思想文化C.主张学习西方的政治制度  D.主张维护清王朝统治 魏源和严复代表成就是什么 魏源与严复的思想有哪些不同?他们为什么会有不同的思想? 你硬了 你介意吗 我喜欢是什么电影? Wings Of Destiny求钢琴曲谱3Q 英语翻译给个翻译..."a touch of destiny". "用毛巾擦手" 英语怎么说? you must plug magicjack into usb neighborhood,is,clean,there,in,a,the,park, When will __be convenient for you to come to my place.A there B it C that D /应该选哪个?为什么? Could you tell me there is a big supermarket in the neighborhood?五个同义句, We want to konw_____she will come back.A:that B:when C:when D:where 选哪个?为什么? ---I’d like ______ dress.What about ____ blue one?--- Try it on.A.a; the B.a; a C.the; the D.the; a i like (the blue one).(就括号部分提问) 有首舒缓的英文歌,是女歌手唱的,歌词里有brand new day,请问这首歌的全名是什么,很好听的一首歌是女的唱的 选择题 Do you like pink one or blue one? A.I like the blue one B.No,I don't There is a whole brand new daybrand什么意思 这句英文如何分析理解?two men wished they had stayed there had +过去分词 是过去完成时吧,那这句话什么意思啊?虚拟语气如何用啊?能把自己理解的说说吗 羊毛大衣用什么洗,说是含34%的羊毛,可以用洗衣粉手洗吗?或者该怎么洗?有的人说可以用洗发精,