
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:12:47
个苯环上连了一个甲基,甲基上一个氢原子被一个环丁烷取代,该化合物是脂环化合物还是芳香化合物? a bar of soap 用单数还是复数提问? a bar of ()(填空). 分别会生成什么 CUSO4+H2O NH3+HCL homemade是什么意思 谁能给我一份商业计划书的范文或实例,包括建议我要做配送类的或是告诉我该怎么写 homemade-gearing是什么意思 max's homemade cupcakes是什么意思 Your homemade yogurt is ready,中,homemade是什么意思 Did you decide ____ the place of the meeting?A.for B.on C.with D.dt Diaoyu Town s() on the Jialing River 第一范文网教你如何写建议书【建议书】 第一范文网教你怎样写倡议书 William Shakespeare&The Tragedy of Hamlet,Prince of Denmark需要哈姆雷特的完全版话剧.英文原文,有中文字幕.注意不要电影哦...重点是地址...呵呵 关于葫芦的重点好句好词好段. 下午3点玩反恐精英Online进不去 显示Failed to get file:File not found 求解等不进去反恐精英Online上面写连接错误 然后就是 显示Failed to get file:File not found 怎么回事啊 CS Failed to get file:File not found我有一段时间没玩“反恐精英Online”了,但后来想玩了,就准备登陆,现在要更新,就显示Failed to get file:File not found 是怎么回事啊,现在已经8月13号了啊,怎么还不行,帮 反恐精英中出现这个could't exec skikk.cfg map change failed:'c0ao' not found on server Open field took the place of forests .怎么翻译 如何将复杂的波形分解成多个简单正弦波的叠加傅里叶级数的方法可能只能处理“可用函数表示的复杂波”,而我要分解只是一组数值,比较确切的说是将其拟合成多个简单正弦波叠加的形式. 波形显示是什么意思? 什么叫波纹机 I declare the meeting open.这应该是一个从句吧?那为什么open不用单三的形式? chairman of the committee请问of the committee介词短语作chairman的定语吗?还是状语?介词短语能做定语又能做状语,该怎么区分呢? test fourteen 4.at the committee meeting,the motion that the club ______open untiltest fourteen 4.at the committee meeting,the motion that the club ______open until midnight was defeated4.at the committee meeting,the motion that the club ______open u 4.at the committee meeting,the motion that the club ______open until midnight was defeatedA)remainsB)remainC)remainedD)would remain I was made chairman of the meeting. 什么意思?chairman前面为什么不加冠词? 那位英语达人帮下忙 用group disable difference imagine di那位英语达人帮下忙 用group disable difference imagine difficulties normal training kindness 造句, 用1;group.2;disabled3;difference4;imagine5;difficulties6;normal7;training8;kindness造句!加翻译! normal的副词形式和imagine的名词形式 氨苄青霉素化学方程式同问题 I have trouble to learn sth