
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 19:42:32
1.The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _____the helplessness of the crew.选项:a、added to b、resulted from c、turned out d、made up2.All the leading newspapers _______ the trade talks between China and the United States 1,She is often hear___(open)the door for me?2,The students were made ___(clean)the street.3,Her dream is___(become)a doctor.4,I am very happy___(ask)to give a speech.5,What way can you think of___(kill)the mice in the room.6,I amgoing to Beijing .Do 英语,选择正确答案 英语选择. 英语选择. 英语选择.我要正确答案 英语选择. 星火四级阅读周计划会不会比四级题难? 大学英语四级的问题.星火之类的买卷子之类的 都说星火系列的好它好在哪里呢?其实我都没怎么听过它.真题和预测题有区别么? 星火英语四级听力在哪/ 1.What is the common world in English?2.What is the common family name in the US?3.What is the longest river in the world?4.Who was the first man in space?5.What language has the most native speakers?6.What is the largest islang in the world? 1.While it_____(rain),I_____(drive)home2.The man_____(hurt)himself,when he_____(get)on the bus?3.The Lius _____(wath)TV now4.The man_____(not live)here since last year5._____you_____(swim)at this time yesterday6.He said he_____(shave)now 黑皮英语难度如何广东对比星火英语,会难一些吗 还是阅读周计划? “希望我们的回答才是您的选择”翻译成英语是?希望我们的回答才是您的选择请大家把这句翻译成英语.谢谢~! 英语翻译"你的最佳选择"希望用最简短表达意思最清楚的英语翻译这句话. 英语翻译1 Tom has an active mind; he can retell a story ---- anybody else in the classroomA more vividly than B much vividly than C as vivid as D so vividly as2 His first job is in a big bank ,from ---- he learnt a lot of information about financ 英语翻译The teachers seemed to be happy to have a try of this new teaching method,but________that it could make a difference.A.convinced B.unconvinced C.convincing D.unconvincing 快乐英语阅读初一第一卷翻译第一篇啊, 快乐英语阅读 初二年级上 第1卷 The BigShow翻译那书内容太多了!!!!!!谁有这本书啊???????? 电池电压3.2V,一个电池卖8元/AH,一个卖4元/WH.哪个贵啊 拜托告诉我一下英语阅读和完型是巅峰训练好还是开心英语好 一、补全对话.My new eraser is (f )afain.It's in my pencil case二、句型转换Five and two is (seven).(对括号内的部分提问)( )( )five and two?Lily is my friend and Lucy is my friend,too.(改为同义句)Lily and Lucy( )( 英语6道题 快捷英语 开心英语 红魔英语 黑皮英语 星火英语 哪个更好啊我想挑战英语阅读竞赛 难度稍大一点 高中福建英语阅读和完型,用星火还是黑皮比较好我英语是弱项,所以暑假恶补英语,现在用黑皮,不过马上要做完了,听力我用星火,可以不,星火的听力练习还不错,也要完了,准备买,我明天就要去 黑皮英语阅读与完形和星火英语完形填空哪个好 世界上最难的数学题是神马除了什么猜想,比如哥德巴赫,最难的事什么 神马数学题好作 写出求圆心(1.1)且与直线x+y=4相切的圆的方程算法!到底是神马! 英语 咋选 英语选择____was her crulty that we all hated her.答案是Such,为什么不用It? 英语,选择