
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:31:24
in,the,farmers,working,are,fields.连词成句 the farmers being working in the fields are tired.可以么? Farmers are busy working in the fields from m_____ to night. 将一个长方体平均切成4段,每段长3分米,表面积增加了36平方分米,求原长方体的体积? 琵琶琴瑟八大王王王在上,魑魅魍魉四小鬼鬼鬼犯边.类似对联 琵琶琴瑟八大王王王在上,魑魅魍魉四小鬼鬼鬼犯边是什么电影的对联 learn to laugh at yourself 学着去笑自己?学着去客观看自己? 翻译install 【Laugh or cry as you like,and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself. 有什么英文歌里有脸部表情的歌词在里面的嘛!比如有smile,cry ,laugh之类的标贴解释了我要的 Laugh or cry as you like,and it's meaningless to oppress yourself.这句话是不是有语法问题?是个英语貌似很好的人写的 不敢随意批评 但是根据我短浅的知识 真觉得这句话有语法错, 蹒跚意思 蹒跚 意思 蹒跚的 意思是?、 有没有谁知道英语中各种笑?比如:laugh at ,titter(偷笑)等等,需要越多越好的各种笑 smile 和 laughsmile 是表示笑的状态么?laugh 表示什么? laugh和smile 都是笑的意思,它们的区别在哪里? smile,laugh的区别求大神帮助 几种短周期元素的原子半径及主要化合价 laugh grin smile guffaw titter chuckle 的区别 smile and laughHaving said good-bye to his parents.Alvin,with his wife and one-year-old son,set off back home.Still excited,Alvin and clare talked and laughed happily.And even little Alax______from time to time.The family were enjoying their trip.Whi 在一个闭合的电路中,导线断了,还会有电流经过被截断的地方吗?(即电子) This paper not only tells the story of glass curtain wall from its appearance 求译 大哥大姐帮帮啊This paper not only tells the story of glass curtain wall from its appearance to the present development and its advantages and disadvantages in 由多跟导线并联而成的保险丝,如果一根导线断了,电路会不会断了 “蹒跚”是什么意思? 五行学说的哲学思想是什么 英语翻译 ABC符号怎样打出来才好看 填字组成词语 ()然大波.()然成风填字组成词语 ()然大波.()然成风 ()然自如 ()然大怒()然而去()然成风()然大波()然前行 中国古代的五行说认为金木水火土是世界的本原,对这种说法的理解? 同一座星系的星星有没有可能属于不同的星座?