
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 22:16:59
22题,好评给你,很急! 请问一下中间那道画电路图的题 我画的对吗?不对的话请指出错误 并且附上正确的答案多谢 Tom has a great sports c_______. 1,what_yourfather_(do)?2,Tom_(do not)playsports.3Edsmith_(have)a great sports collection does,a,tom,have,sports,pair,shoes,of,white,not连词成句 求解一道数学题,关于,垂直于弦的直径.如图,已知圆O的直径为14cm,弦AB=10cm,点P为AB上一点,OP=5cm.求AP的长.要详细的解题步骤。谢谢。 九年级垂直于弦的直径15提 a与b的平方差是 如图,⊙O的两条弦AB,CD互相垂直,垂足为E,则AB=CD,已知CE=1,ED=3,则⊙O的半径是_____? 正确的解题格式,20和22题,我悬赏150. Tom have got a fever tTom have got a fever today这个句子对吗 Does Tom have a cellphone? 怎么回答?如有多种答案,请给多少种答案 谢谢 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:1.when my mother came home,I pretended( )(practice)English.2.our parents often tell us not( )(swim)alone in the river. 3.entering ohers' rooms without( )(knock)at the dor is not acceptable. 4.-how m 简述《共产党宣言》的内容 简述《共产党宣言》的历史作用是什么历史作用与历史意义不是相同的,最好两三句话就行 《共产党宣言》的发表有何历史意义?巴黎公社的性质是怎样的?巴黎公社与《共产党宣言》的理论有何关系? 分析《共产党宣言》对科学社会主义基本原理的阐述. 为啥在圆内,垂直于弦的直径平分弦所对的两条弧 when his mother came in,the boy pretended____(do)his homework为什么填 to be doing 理由 这里面的 be 是被动还是什么 (10-2x)(6-2x)x 求化简 应该有次方吧 -15a的平方乘b的系数 when mother came in,the boy pretended____(read)空该怎样填be reading 2,3,6,9,54,63,()请问有谁知道括号里面应该填写什么 x+2x-5+三分之一x+10 化简给你赚了! a与b的平方差 先化简,再求值.(x-1)/(x-2)·(x²-4)/(x²-2x+1)÷1/(x²-1),其中x²-x=10 He pretended to be working hard when his mother entered his room 这个句子有错吗 如果错了怎么改 Tony pretended to be ______ when his mother walked into his bedroom.用asleep还是sleeping ,我们老师说是sleeping. Tony pretended to be asleep when his mother walked into his bedroom这句话能说成Tony pretended to be sleeping when his mother walked into his bedroom? have and we math computer today 连词成句 BSc in physics,math,and computer science 是什么 my brother has english,math and science on Tuesdays.( English,math and science就对这几个提问)