
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:15:43
用myeclipse创建JSP是出现Unable to createmyeclipse创建jsp出现Unable to create this part due to an internal error.Reason for the failure:Widget is disposed错误那一般安装myeclipse都还要安装什么啊 时间副词可以放在主语后吗?如we then went to the room 在英语里,主语后面可不可以直接接副词 可不可以把修饰主语的副词放在句首例如:Undoubtedly, I made a decision to go on ___ you ____ ( watch )TV torrow?Yes,l am ______you______(watch) TV tomorrow?yes I am somewhere i belong这句话怎么翻译 英语翻译不想问那首歌就问这个词是什么意思 弘扬民族精神翻译成英语是? how many 后面必须加名词吗? HOW MANY要加 用not only but also翻译不仅对我们有好处也对我们有不利的影响 怎么翻 Where ___ he ____the other day?A.did;get marriedB.has;get marriedC.has;been marriedD.did;married___ your grandparents ___ in the old house in the past?A.Did;live B.have;livedI am sorry I ___ (forget)your new telephone number.It is a world-famous trad (1)Can you compress your speech into five minutes.(2)Provided there is no opposition,we shall ho...(1)Can you compress your speech into five minutes.(2)Provided there is no opposition,we shall hold the meeting here. 11月sat成绩到现在还是not yet available,现在12月的也被delay了,有什么方法!我刚刚打过电话,他们就叫我等,卧槽,都等11月的一个月了,还等个毛啊 草地上有什么有什麽还有什么造句 11月SAT我因为在念说明时写宣言被report了,现在还在显示,not yet available这表示什么是被取消成绩还是? 为什么在反义词词典里往往查不到要查的词?有些人,家里边有跟字典差不多的反义词词典,可往往查不到要的词,在反义词词典里查不到的词,在电脑上往往就可以查到.为什么? 英语成分问题 you want to become an astronaut 每个单词做什么成分 我是一月二十五号考的sat2,今天一查为什么是you have no available score,会不会成绩被cancel了2200这次算咋样的成绩 高考英语Every day ________ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized.A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads turning、corner和crossing road区别第一组.turning、corner和crossing road的区别 有例句和讲解的第二组 .across 、cross 和through的区别.例句 讲解. turning 和 corner 和crossing road的区别turning 和 corner 和crossing road的区别across cross through 的区别 例句 和讲解. crossing和turning的不同 crossing和turning有何区别? turning 和 crossing 的区别是什呢?最好有图... E-mall 后加number吗,比如his E-mall number is. in,class,we,student,new,a,our,have组句 帮我详解下这几道题(主谓一致)谢谢2. My family as well as I ____ glad to see you. A. was B. is C. are D. am4. There are two roads and either _____ to the station. A. is leading B. are leading C. lead D. 6月考的sat 查分写的是 not yet available 会不会由于分太低了一月考了一次,6月考的第二次sat 本应今天出分可为什吗写 not yet available 网上有人说这是delay可我没有收到collegeboard的关于delay的邮件. 程序填空,在横线上填写语句使程序完整.本程序的功能是输出如下方阵.1 2 2 2 2 2 13 1 2 2 2 1 43 3 1 2 1 4 43 3 3 1 4 4 43 3 1 5 1 4 43 1 5 5 5 1 41 5 5 5 5 5 1//ex06_9.cpp#include using namespace std;int main(){int a[7][7],i, 在下面程序的横线处填上适当的语句,使该程序的执行结果为200.#includeclass number{private:int val;public:number(int i){val=i;}____________int(); } ;number::operator int(){___________}class num:public number{public:num(int i):num