汉译英:它们肯定不他的A,they mustn't be hers.B,they can't be hers.C,they needn't be hers.D,they couldn't be hers.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:05:36
汉译英:它们肯定不他的A,they mustn't be hers.B,they can't be hers.C,they needn't be hers.D,they couldn't be hers.

汉译英:它们肯定不他的A,they mustn't be hers.B,they can't be hers.C,they needn't be hers.D,they couldn't be hers.
A,they mustn't be hers.
B,they can't be hers.
C,they needn't be hers.
D,they couldn't be hers.

汉译英:它们肯定不他的A,they mustn't be hers.B,they can't be hers.C,they needn't be hers.D,they couldn't be hers.
B.否定猜测用can't 肯定猜测must


B.否定猜测用can't 肯定猜测must

汉译英:它们肯定不他的A,they mustn't be hers.B,they can't be hers.C,they needn't be hers.D,they couldn't be hers. 用丝线悬挂着A.B.C.D.E.F六个小球,它们之间相互作用的情况如图所示.则肯定带电的小球是;肯定不肯定不带电的是,不能肯定是否带电的是肯定不带电的是,不能肯定是否带电的是 用丝线悬挂着A.B.C.D.E.F六个小球,它们之间相互作用的情况如图所示.则肯定带电的小球是;肯定不肯定带电的小球是;肯定不带电的小球是;不能肯定是否带电的小球是 Do they have a lot of milk 的肯定回答是YES they do吗 有a fewer这个词吗? 那fewer表示肯定还是否定? 他的肯定意义呢? 航班mu什么的,mu的含义是什么? mu色的mu怎么写? 羡mu(第四声)的mu 临mu的mu怎么写 在做反义疑问句时(如:They must work hard,need they?)时,否定词常见的有什么?什么情况下一定要有固定的问句部分?还有像我上面例句的MUST后的问句要用肯定的有哪些词?Please help me I will thanks so mu 计算机的GT mu They like eating hamburgers的肯定回答 什么是肯定、否定?它们的辩证关系是什么? 什么是肯定、否定?它们的辩证关系是什么 它们是他叔叔给的.____ ____his uncle.它们是谁的梳子?____ ____ are they? 帮我,这句话的意思到底是什么A ku xin da ka mu amy不是的,这句话是我男朋友最后留给我的话, 今天他不会不来的,改为肯定句,怎么改 Have they cleaned the classroom?(作肯定回答)“______” _____,_____ _____.前面的“____”不知道填什么